As I was a child I had my family, specially my mother, as the most important people in my life. They still are but some other people have been added to this, we may say, "group"!
On the year of 2002 I did my first abroad travel, to New Zealand - Aoteora as a Exchange/International Student. There I discorved a very special new world! full of challenges which made me grow and appreciate all I had back home and also those great people who made my experience as an exchange student for a year, so special and unique! The Evans family, Claudia Pinto, Rose, Silvinha, Mônica, Luly, Karina and so many other people!
In 2004 my family and I did gain a new family, actually it was a extension to ours and at the same time a family which we always belong to but didnt know. This family is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
In 2008, to be even more specific - on my bday Feb 4th 2008 - I reported to a full time mission at the Provo MTC to serve in Utah SLC Temple Square Mission! then I met thousands of people - I really mean, THOUSANDS! on November 2008 I went to Nevada Las Vegas Mission where I served for 3 tranfers - meaning 4 and a half months, there I met hundreds ... The thousands and hundreds also have been added to this "group" which I mentioned in the very beguinning of this post.
On July 23rd 2009 I retuned home from my beautiful mission and again retuned to the arms of my mother, who - if you remenber - was the first to be the most important person of this "group"! family and friends again together!
So... if you may be my mum, or part of my blood family, or part of any of those mentioned people above... this Blog is dedicated to ya!
This "group" is a open to add more and more people.. who I know will continuing to bless my Earthly life as a Daughter of a Divine King, called God!