EVERYDAY, we meet ppl! But do we get to know them?
I miss knowing ppl as they really are!
One of the best thing about serving as a full time LDS missionary is the privilege of knwing ppl, to get in their homes, to feel the LoVe God has for them as individuals and as a family!
My goals in life as a RM are many, but some of them arent as new as some others. One of them is to KEEP knowing ppl as they really are! and to help them to may know WHO THEY REALLY MUST BECOME as childreen of a Lovely Heavenly Father!
I had the great opportunity last week to meet in the bus in my way home from work and in my way to work two nice women, who just started a genuine conversation with me and in the end of it I could tell their whole life story and how precious they were! Those 30 to 40 minutes bus ride in some how changed my days and the way I see people around me. They - people = us, are so "the same" but at the same time so different and unique! We trully need each other! We are a family!