This whole week I planned on getting online to update this blog. For some reasons I would get good ideas to post and experiences to share. But as I didnt, now they dont come to my mind in the same way... so I better get new ones and learn the lesson: once it is there cacth it.. if not it is gone!
Btw, what a delightful week! actually I would start with the weekend.Much services done... starting on Friday with the organization of a dance activity for the Married Couples of our Stake, the YSA worked hard but also had a great time! Saturday we were able to end our Religion Institute classes for the year and I missed the great last dance of the year for being in also a very outstading place -I was able to be at and enjoy the Young Women of our stake present their musical #s for EXELENCIA DAS MOCAS - in english that would be some thing called as Young Women Excelence ... the Holy Spirit did hit me so strong with that presentation! testifying to me that WE TRULLY ARE DAUGHTERS of GOD! We are his divine childreen!
Sunday we had two baptisms in our ward! ...I like to look for rainbows whenever that is rain...
Got confess that I feel as cant complain about my life at all and I am able to see the hands of God always so present! But I also see myself knowing that somehing bigger has to come to pass. ok ok... slow down, I am not directing this to marrige.. ok? just feel as I want to progress more and faster comparing to right now!
- what, me anxious? yeah right -
Be a return missionary to me is one of the very greatest blessings ever.... NOW I have to learn how to live as one! not comparing myself with before the mission, neighter as a missionary, but still as a RM! full of puporse and new challenges and blessings to face.
yeah! His plan is PERFECT! just got to keep that in mind constanly and live it as it is! ;)
Going to the Temple once a month is so essencial to me! I trully feel charged and more secure about where I stand, who I am and what is expected of me! Everytime I go I think about those great Sister missionaries I was able to serve with in Temple Square and how so many of them dont have that great blessing of a Holy Temple so close by - the one I go to is the Curitiba one, about 3 to 4 hours north from Floripa.