I have been able to learn so much about the need I do have on buiding up a better Faith and Trust in Heavenly Father and His plan, specially the one He had designed specially to me... Even when it gets harder to keep up with a steady faith such as in times of struggle and probation... it still comes with the better remenbrance, knowledge and testimony that The Plan is PERFECT and REAL!
Learning everyday the importance of to Forgive and to Repent as many time as needed becomes each time more clear and beautiful to me and applicable in everyone's life!
My personal studies, prayers and thoughts have being focus on those two great principles laterly: Trust and Faith - and usually when I belive I am getting there I find myself needing to be more humble and seeking more to learn and to do! All those experiences strengh my testimony of the Restored Gospel... but I still confess to get a little down for not having what I want by living better those principles at the time I set as a goal to... which I know to still be my own time ... not Heveally Father's.
HEY, it’s touch uhu? hehehe... but still awesome uhu?! :)
The idea of even being hard but still always true brings me to a feeling of happiness even when I can’t still understand or have what I have been seeking for... teachs me that it trully is a process.. which blesses me all the way long to
Laterly I had the opportunity to meet some new friends and people who even without they knowing have helped me on to live and learn more about those principles!
The Holy Spirit is so essencial in the whole process and I do bear testimony of Him! He always brings the sweet spirit of HOPE and that all will be ok because of my Savior Jesus Christ!
If I may recommend a chapter to be studied today I would say: 1 Ne 5 !
May our hearts and lives be blessed by the Plan of Happiness by living the principles and teaching o four Savior Jesus Christ!
I want to & I need to Become a better Daughter to my Havenly Father! And He will bless me as much as I build up a better Trust and Faith in HIM! ♥
Learning everyday the importance of to Forgive and to Repent as many time as needed becomes each time more clear and beautiful to me and applicable in everyone's life!
My personal studies, prayers and thoughts have being focus on those two great principles laterly: Trust and Faith - and usually when I belive I am getting there I find myself needing to be more humble and seeking more to learn and to do! All those experiences strengh my testimony of the Restored Gospel... but I still confess to get a little down for not having what I want by living better those principles at the time I set as a goal to... which I know to still be my own time ... not Heveally Father's.
HEY, it’s touch uhu? hehehe... but still awesome uhu?! :)
The idea of even being hard but still always true brings me to a feeling of happiness even when I can’t still understand or have what I have been seeking for... teachs me that it trully is a process.. which blesses me all the way long to
Laterly I had the opportunity to meet some new friends and people who even without they knowing have helped me on to live and learn more about those principles!
The Holy Spirit is so essencial in the whole process and I do bear testimony of Him! He always brings the sweet spirit of HOPE and that all will be ok because of my Savior Jesus Christ!
If I may recommend a chapter to be studied today I would say: 1 Ne 5 !
May our hearts and lives be blessed by the Plan of Happiness by living the principles and teaching o four Savior Jesus Christ!
I want to & I need to Become a better Daughter to my Havenly Father! And He will bless me as much as I build up a better Trust and Faith in HIM! ♥