To be able to have the answers for what we may have as a doubt or question also means to have a willing heart to act on what is recevied!
This Oct 2010 General Conference was just PerfecT! full of answers and revelations for so many things I was looking forward to get... after the joy of recieving what was asked came the responsibility of doing something RIGHT about it!
It doesnt mean we will always know straight away what is or how to act upon. But surelly the same sincer heart we need to have to ask Heveanly Father to recieve answer is the same sincer heart we must have to give Him to recieve the instructions to how to act. Then will come the result of To Be or To Have or To Do ... by His marvelous glory and power.
I cant do everything myself! It is sometimes even hard to do all what is asked, but never impossible to obey. With God's help as I do my part /act things come to pass...
Today as I talked on Skype with a good friend she taught me something great about Time and Agency! she did explain it in such a nice way using the example of what I was going through that made not only the answer I had recieved before to be more understandable and stronger! but also to have the understanding that TODAY may be the TIME to CHOOSE rather to do or not, and TOMORROW comes the TIME to recieve the fruits of what was chossen... and His plan trully works through those 2 divine gifts given to us, Time & Agency!
ok ok this whole Time and Angency topic has probablyy been alreday said and heard soooo much before but I can say also that it has not yet always been understood by me in the way I should and even more, I must need to always remenber to apply and remenber that I know it through out my life and specially at the times I need it!
This Oct 2010 General Conference was just PerfecT! full of answers and revelations for so many things I was looking forward to get... after the joy of recieving what was asked came the responsibility of doing something RIGHT about it!
It doesnt mean we will always know straight away what is or how to act upon. But surelly the same sincer heart we need to have to ask Heveanly Father to recieve answer is the same sincer heart we must have to give Him to recieve the instructions to how to act. Then will come the result of To Be or To Have or To Do ... by His marvelous glory and power.
I cant do everything myself! It is sometimes even hard to do all what is asked, but never impossible to obey. With God's help as I do my part /act things come to pass...
Today as I talked on Skype with a good friend she taught me something great about Time and Agency! she did explain it in such a nice way using the example of what I was going through that made not only the answer I had recieved before to be more understandable and stronger! but also to have the understanding that TODAY may be the TIME to CHOOSE rather to do or not, and TOMORROW comes the TIME to recieve the fruits of what was chossen... and His plan trully works through those 2 divine gifts given to us, Time & Agency!
ok ok this whole Time and Angency topic has probablyy been alreday said and heard soooo much before but I can say also that it has not yet always been understood by me in the way I should and even more, I must need to always remenber to apply and remenber that I know it through out my life and specially at the times I need it!
"I need Thee every hour..."
"When the Spirit wispers, wise men and women obey! "